Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Primer On Language Use

I understand that there's a lot of people who honestly aren't trying to be offensive, but they honestly can't tell what words to use when talking about certain groups. There are a lot of words most people know not to say, but there are some that are less obvious. So, here's a couple things people in general should avoid saying. Note that these vary from person to person. Think of this as a guide for this site and related blogs:

Don't say: "Mentally disabled" - My mind is different from yours. That is not a disability. Also, this does not specify the type of mind someone has - cognitive difference? Emotional?
Do say: Whatever they are, and want to be called. In my case, "Bipolar".

Don't say: "Non-religious", when talking about an agnostic or atheist. "Non-religious" is a whole denomination within itself. 
Do say: "Agnostic", or "atheist". Or, if they identify differently, their denomination.

Don't say: "Emo". That's a word based off stereotypes, and is offensive to Goths and non-Goths alike. There is no substitute, because you shouldn't be saying it at all.

Don't say: "Kid". - You are dehumanizing me because of my age.
Do say: "Person". I am one, and have a right to be called one, regardless of how long I've been on the planet.

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