Monday, May 2, 2011

Bible: God. Personal Relationships: God. Everywhere Else: God. Church: Jesus...?

I found the Community Christian Church's website yesterday. It's been a long time since I set foot in a church (being in choir = having to sing as guests in churches which = having to listen to sermons), so all the capitalized 'He's and 'Him's were a little overwhelming to read. The thing I found most...interesting, I suppose is the right word, was the "What We Believe" page.

There's a lot to talk about here. First, I can't resist being a little snarky. There's a section called "About a Relationship with God", which is naturally about a relationship with God (and, weirdly, Jesus - I'll get to that in a minute). Then, there's a section called "About the Christian Life" which is about...a relationship with God. I don't see why they couldn't have merged those two things, seeing as they're telling you to do the same thing (worship God and Jesus - again, coming back to that).

And to be honest, I'm a little worried. Because I've seen this in a lot of other Christian writings - telling people that they should not only worship God, but dedicate their entire lives  to pleasing him. This is not a "Wow, those Christians are batshit crazy" expression - it's one of honest worry. I would not want to live for a single (dual?) abstract concept. Churches like this are telling Christians that your entire world should revolve around God - what about, I don't know, yourself, other humans and animals, the environment? I think it's a little dangerous that people are told to not do things for themselves, rather only for God. What if, for example, a woman has grown up in a church that tells her that abortion is "immoral" "a sin", etc. (we all know what assholes Catholic churches are when it comes to THE ALMIGHTY FETUS!) Now, that woman is pregnant and suffering from complications, and she needs an abortion to save her life. Since she's spent her life being told to do things not for herself, but for God, and being told what God "wants", she will most likely not get an abortion, and die.

This is, I think, one of the biggest reasons I am against religion as a whole. Because I feel it is dangerous to tell people they don't belong to themselves, but to some abstract god(s).

And on that thing I wanted to get to later: This is where I have to ask for help. Because, if there is one thing that has mystified me about Christianity since I can remember it, it is this: You call yourself a monotheistic religion, you worship God, say that he is the only god....but then you also worship Jesus. I just...don't understand it, honestly do not get it. If you classified yourself as polytheistic, I would get it - there's God and there's Jesus, and you worship them both.

But the way I see it over and over again, I hear the same message: "God is the only true let's worship Jesus!"

For example, take this quote from CCC:

Our inability to re-establish our relationship with God leaves us dependent on God's mercy. God graciously provided the means to reconcile this relationship through faith in Jesus Christ.

Hooooold up here... you're telling people to form a relationship with God (which you just said THEY CANNOT DO), and worship Jesus Christ...and then saying that that relationship with Jesus is a relationship with God?

I am, in all serious, confused as to how Christians can find their way around in this confused, paradoxical, faith doctrine. If any Christians could help explain, I would appreciate it.

...Isn't Norse Paganism so much simpler? (Sorry, couldn't resist that, because people around me keep saying that Paganism in general is "So complicated", when they're Christian.)

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