Sunday, October 30, 2011

Review Of The 2009 Roméo Et Juliette Cast CD - Part 3

I know it's taken me forever  to finish this up, but I finally got around to it. Here's the final part of the CD itself, though later I may talk about the bonus DVD (which I finally realized I could play in my computer regardless of the region...)

Anyway, let's finish up Act 2.

11.Avoir Une Fille - This is definitely my favorite arrangement of this song. A nice balance of the delicate piano, strong guitar, and Arié Itah's rough voice. I have to admit that this was another song it took me a while to warm up to. Here, you can really feel all the emotions that a father is going through. Overall, excellent!

12.On Prie - Aaaand another new song. I was a little suspicious of this at first - after all, the second act is already bogged down by too many ballads, and with this addition, we have eight slow songs in a row.  But if you ignore the slow pacing it adds to, this is a nice song. Not an amazing song, but a nice one. Daniel sounds...odd, I don't know how to put it. He's not strained, but his voice doesn't always sound comfortable with what he's singing. Also, at several points it's nearly impossible to hear Joy's upper harmonies. Overall, a good song, but the show could do without it.

13.Le Poison - Confession: I never liked this song. And it's not one of the ones I've warmed up to - I still don't like it. But as far as I can appreciate it, the instruments are lovely, and Joy sounds delicate and fragile in the best way possible. She sounds like a beautiful glass vase that's about to shatter - very emotional. There's also a lovely subdued choir in the background. Overall, it's an amazing version of a song I just can't come around to loving.

14.Sans Elle - The only reason I've heard the melody of this song as much as I have is that I kept playing the German version on the piano. But, unfortunately, it's another song which I think could be poked out of the show and I wouldn't mind at all. Daniel and Joy sound great, and I love the guitar in the background, but overall I'm just not fond of the song itself or this particular arrangement.

15.Vérone 2 - When you first hear this, it might be difficult to even realize that this is a reprise of Vérone. It is, and it's GREAT. I think I've mentioned before that Stéphane Metro is my favorite Escalus, and this song just cements that opinion. So much emotion - and he goes in seconds from shrieking in anger to barely whispering in sadness. This song shows both the range of emotion in his vocal acting as well as his vocal range itself. Overall, bloody fantastic!

16.Comment Lui Dire - And we finally get a solo from my favorite Benvolio! This is another wonderful arrangement with another wonderful singer. There's the faintest hint of plucked strings in the background along with the guitar and synths, and along with Cyril Niccolai's soaring voice, it's a beautiful effect. Overall, just amazing.

17.Mort De Roméo - Another confession: This might as well be the first time I'm hearing this song, for all the times I've listened to it. I think I heard it once before. Because I'm used to the Hungarian ending, which has a reprise of J'ai Peur replace this song. (I like that way better.) I mean, this is a good song - I like the woodwinds, and Daniel sounds lovely as always - but it's just so...monochrome musically. Overally, nice singer but meh.

18.Mort De Juliette - I have  listened to this song often, though, and I'm torn on this arrangement. On the one hand, the instruments are beyond fantastic. Great guitars, nice strings. On the other hand, Joy's voice sounds incredibly weak. I want to hear a stronger angst. There should be a little anger. Instead, all I get is a delicate little voice singing without all too much emotion. Overall, it would've worked better as an instrumental.

19.J'sais Plus - Another song which I must confess to skipping typically when I'm listening/watching. But I can find nothing to complain about here, strong voices and strong instruments, with a nice lamenting choir. Overall, while I might not be too fond of the song itself, a great arrangement.

20.Coupable - Yay, we get to hear more from Lady Montague! I remember this song as being arranged differently in just about every single version, and this is one of my favorites. A neat little string beat makes a nice background to the legato voices of the Ladies and the choir. I did really love the German version where they worked a reprise of Einmal in, and I wished they had done that here, but it's so lovely that I can't really complain.

21.Avoir 20 Ans - Aaaaand this song. This song was actually half of the reason I wanted this CD in the first place - after only hearing some very low-quality live recordings of the song, I was insanely curious as to how the recorded version sounded. And it did not disappoint me at all! I completely adore this song, everything about it. It's nearly as catchy as Les Rois Du Monde, and wormed its way into my head for days afterwards. It's just a fun, feel-good song with great singers. Overall, I beyond love it.

And thus ends the show! As a whole, any fan of the musical should have this recording. With an amazing cast, powerful orchestra, and some new songs, it's a must-have, and probably one of the best recordings out there. The only weak point of it is the occasional weak arrangement or unemotional singer, but those are easily overlooked in what is simply a wonderful CD.